
科技创新发展战略研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (5): 37-42.

• 区域科学发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


张婉茹, 张鹏   

  1. 贵州大学经济学院,贵州贵阳 550025
  • 出版日期:2022-10-15 发布日期:2023-04-26
  • 作者简介:张婉茹(1995-),女,硕士在读,研究方向:农村发展;张鹏(1996-),男,硕士在读,研究方向:农村发展。

The Realization Path Exploration of Green Agriculture Development in Shandong Province in the New Era

ZHANG Wan-ru, ZHANG Peng   

  1. School of Economics, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
  • Online:2022-10-15 Published:2023-04-26

摘要: 山东省作为农业大省,高效推动绿色农业发展对于加快我国农业农村现代化进程具有重要意义。基于绿色农业的内涵界定,分析了山东省发展绿色农业的优势,指出山东省绿色农业发展在水土资源、农业面源污染、农业供给侧、科技支撑等方面存在的问题,并提出从加强农业资源保护与节约利用、加强面源污染防治、探索新业态新模式、强化科技支撑、完善政策保障等方面探寻山东省绿色农业发展的实现路径。

关键词: 绿色农业, 农业供给侧, 农业面源污染, 山东

Abstract: As a large agricultural province, the efficient implementation of green agricultural development in Shandong province is of great significance to accelerate the process of agricultural and rural modernization in China. Based on the connotation definition of green agriculture, this paper analyzes the advantages of Shandong in developing green agriculture, points out the problems existing in the development of green agriculture in terms of water and soil resources, agricultural non point source pollution, agricultural supply side, scientific and technological support, etc. The paper proposes to explore the realization path of green agriculture development in Shandong from the aspects of strengthening the protection and economical utilization of agricultural resources, strengthening non point source pollution prevention and control, exploring new formats and models, strengthening scientific and technological support, and improving policy guarantees.

Key words: green agriculture, agricultural supply side, agricultural non-point source pollution, Shandong
