
科技创新发展战略研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (6): 44-48.

• 技术创新与制度创新 • 上一篇    下一篇


任志宽1, 苗艺馨2   

  1. 1.广东省科学技术情报研究所,广东广州 510033;
    2.广东省社会科学院,广东广州 510635
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-06 出版日期:2022-12-15 发布日期:2023-04-26
  • 作者简介:任志宽(1988-),男,副研究员,硕士,研究方向:科技战略、科技情报;苗艺馨(1999-),女,硕士在读,研究方向:经济金融、企业创新
  • 基金资助:
    广东省科技计划项目“广东中长期科技发展规划(2021—2035)研究与编制”(2021B1010010003);中国科协战略发展部课题“2021 年高端科技创新智库青年项目——新形势下企业参与基础研究的模式、路径及政策研究”(2021ZZZLFZB1207050)

Main Modes and Experience Insights of Huawei's Participation in Basic Research

REN Zhi-kuan1, MIAO Yi-xin2   

  1. 1. Guangdong Institute of science and technology Information, Guangzhou 510033, China;
    2. Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, Guangzhou 510635, China
  • Received:2022-09-06 Online:2022-12-15 Published:2023-04-26

摘要: 企业是技术创新的主体,是基础研究领域的主力军和生力军。基于对华为技术有限公司参与基础研究模式的研究,发现其在基础研究领域实施愿景假设与应用研究双轮驱动战略,形成了以直接参与为基础、校企松耦合为支撑、个体化精准支持为补充的多层次基础研究发展模式,并为我国推动企业开展基础研究提出加大税收减免力度、支持企业参与基础研究专项、加强知识产权保护等对策建议。

关键词: 华为, 基础研究, 企业基础研究, 基础研究模式

Abstract: Enterprises are the main body of technological innovation, and the main and dynamic force in the field of basic research. Based on the study on basic research model of Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd., this paper finds that it has implemented a two-wheel drive strategy of visionary assumptions and applied research in the field of basic research, forming a multi-level basic research development model based on direct participation, supported by loose coupling between universities and enterprises, and supplemented by individualized and precise support. Thus, the paper puts forward the suggestions to promote Chinese enterprises to carry out basic research, such as increasing tax relief, supporting enterprise participation in basic research, and strengthening intellectual property protection.

Key words: Huawei, basic research, basic research on enterprise, basic research model
